Tuesday, January 27, 2009

My life in fleeting thoughts:

Warning: Randomness will happen!

So, for my first post I think I will just introduce myself. I am quirky and moody. Having said that, I love things that are different and that you won't see everyday. I love to write, hence my spur to start a blog. I am not entirely sure what I will all include, but I can guarantee that it will be fun... for me anyways.

Well, first of all, if there is something you want to know... just ask. Having said that isn't it funny how people will still ask questions about you to others? No worries, I do it too. As human beings, we are funny like that! Anyways, there is rarely something that I won't share.

But just for the hell of it... here is a little about me. I don't mind swearing... it is an effective way to portray feelings... I believe in my God, not yours... I would rather be with others than be alone... I can be lazy and crazy or active and passive... I don't know my purpose on this earth, but I will find it... I love risk and thrills, but I do tend to take it too far... I go crazy for things that are different... Sex, food and cats are good... Dishes, Missy's and boring cereal are bad... awkward moments are fun... and reality ISN'T ideal!

Also, I just got a new puppy! Her name is Ava and she is a German Shepherd! She is too cute... except for when she is biting my toes!

O... and here she comes!!

Love, KitKat

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