Tuesday, February 3, 2009

So, it seems as the days go on... I am getting more and more frustrated with myself and life. The Hepatitis C treatment that I am going through is intense and as it progresses it gets harder on the body. Lately, I seem to be much weaker and recovery time is taking so much longer. After I do my weekly injection, instead of just needing one night of recovery now I need TWO days!! I get really bummed about this sometimes because I am not a stagnant person. I like to be involved and try new things and get things done. And I get so frustrated when I don't have the energy to do any of the things I want.

So I have tried to find things that will keep me occupied... things I can learn or do that don't involve energy. Reading is one of them... but I have such a hard time concentrating sometimes. My savior of a boyfriend keeps me positive for the most part but sometimes it just gets to be so much. I guess if I looked at it like being frustrated and unhappy for one or two hours out of the day isn't bad, but its the days where I get really down. Where a mere hour feels as if it is an eternity and like it will never end. And yet, I don't want it to end... I like life. I just want to feel useful, productive. Like I am accomplishing SOMETHING!


But I guess I am, aren't I... I'm getting healthy again... What more of a productive thing is there?
I can do this.

A tired KitKat

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